NAVAREA II 268/2024 NAVTEX NAVTEX STATION CORSEN UNAVAILABLE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. NAVIGATIONAL WARNINGS ARE BROADCASTED VIA SAFETY NET AND SAFETYCAST BY NAVAREA II COORDINATOR AT 0430 - 1630 UTC WITHIN 300 MILES OF 48-28N 005-03W AND ALSO AVAILABLE AT NAVAREA II 66/2025 CONTAINER_ADRIFT two containers adrift in vicinity 44-34.20N 016-49.80W at 081100 utc mar 25. Wide berth requested report information to : NAVAREA II 65/2025 Last known positions of mobile oil rigs and drill ships at 261630 UTC JAN 25. To report a mobile offshore drilling unit as per IMO resolution A.1023(26), paragraph 11.5.1, contact - Subj: MODU report. NAVAREA II 63/2025 SCIENTIFIC_SURVEY by R/V MIGUEL OLIVER In progress Until further notice area bounded by: 46-00N 010-15W 46-00N 001-34W 41-58N 001-27W 41-58N 010-15W. Wide berth requested NAVAREA II 61/2025 LIGHT_UNLIT OUKACHA LIGHTHOUSE 33-36.95N 007-33.77W NAVAREA II 57/2025 NAVAREA II in force at 021630 UTC MAR 25: 268/24, 4/25, 15/25, 17/25, 32/25, 36/25, 54/25, 56/25 and this MSG Only those less than 42 days are daily broadcast on SAFETYNET and SAFETYCAST at 0430 and 1630 UTC. The complete texts of all NAVAREA II warnings are available Alternatively, it may be requested by e-mail NAVAREA II 36/2025 SEISMIC_SURVEY In progress BY BGP PROSPECTOR Until further notice area bounded by: 05-48.00N 004-10.00E 05-22.00N 004-48.00E 04-58.00N 004-33.00E 05-24.00N 003-54.00E WIDE berth requested (3 MILES AHEAD, 3 MILES ABEAM AND 7 MILES ASTERN)